Hello! My name is Nenad Markovic, and I am here to show you how to choose your ideal SEM toolkit and make the most of it.
I love being efficent with my SEM tasks, so I am sharing my workflow tips and tricks with the SEM community.
Thank you for visiting SEM-Tools.com! I hope you find the information here valuable and helpful in your day-to-day work.
This is my primary skill, I spend most of my time working on SEO projects. Doing SEO is also my dayjob.
I got into the world of SEM through Google Ads. PPC ads are pretty awesome if you ask me, it's a money-printing machine if done right.
I build all my websites by myself, and occasionaly do it for clients. I suck at design, but luckily I got some help in that department.
There's nothing I love more than a smooth workflow. I majored in Automation, jumped to digital makreting, and here I am.